DalBo Seedbed Cultivators
Irrespective of the type of seedbed cultivator used, some fundamental elements must be present in order to achieve good crop establishment.
Apart from moisture, all other elements are under the farmer’s control, and a well-established seedbed is a must for all crops. DALBO’s quality seedbed harrows can be adapted to all soil types.
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The ROLLOMAXIMUM is the premium precision seedbed cultivator on the market, designed for extremely efficient and accurate preparation of seedbeds in a single pass.
CULTIMAX is a heavy-duty 7-row seedbed cultivator with high working capacity. it is the ideal cultivator for seedbed preparation on ploughed soil.
CULTITRAIL is a trailed seedbed cultivator with a transport width of only 2.50m. The simple construction is equipped with a hydraulically adjustable cracker board and a 5-row harrow section with spring tines, which provides an exceptional cultivating effect.
CULTILIFT is a heavy-duty mounted seedbed cultivator designed for cost-effective seedbed preparation. The standard configuration includes a mechanically adjustable levelling board, a 4-row harrow section adn a depth adjustment roller at the rear.